Tuesday, June 4, 2013

மே 1

திரைப்படங்கள் வெறுமனே பொழுதுபோக்கோடு நின்றுவிடாது சமூகத்திற்கான பொறுப்புணர்வோடும் செயற்பட வேண்டும் என்ற கருத்தை மறுபடியும் நிரூபித்திருக்கிறது தயாரிப்பில் மொஹமட் பார்ஷன் இயக்கத்தில் வெளியிடப்பட்ட குறுந்திரைப்படம் மே 1.
மே 1 என்றால் தொழிலாளர்கள் மற்றும் அவர்களின் உரிமைகள் என்ற பொதுவான பார்வைக்கோணத்தில் இருந்து முற்றிலும் மாறுபட்டு தொளிலாரர்கள் என்ற வரையறைக்குள்ளே கூட உட்படாத  சிறுவர் தொழிலாளர்களின் நிலை பற்றி நம்மை சிந்திக்க வைக்கும் திரைப்படம் இது .
சிறுவர் தொழிலாளர்களின் வாழ்வியல் ஏக்கங்களையும் மறுக்கப்படும் உரிமைகளையும் இந்திக் என்ற சிறுவனின் வாழ்க்கையினூடு புலப்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார் இயக்குனர் .
கதையின் முக்கிய பாத்திரமாக வரும் சிறுவன் அந்த  பாத்திரமாகவே வாழ்ந்திருக்கிறான் .
படத்திற்கு பின்னணி இசை மேலும் பலத்தை சேர்த்துள்ளது . வர்த்தக நோக்கான இசையை விடுத்து இயற்கையோடு இணைந்த வகையில் படம் முழுதும் எம்மோடு பயணிக்கிறது . 
படத்தொகுப்பு ஒளிப்பதிவு வரைகலை என்பனவும் பாராட்டும் வகையில் அமைந்துள்ளது . 

கருத்தினை சொல்ல மொழி என்பது கட்டாயம் இல்லை .. உணர்வுகளையும்  ஏக்கங்களையும் மொழி இன்றி யாராலும் புரிய  முடியும் என்பதை இத்திரைப்படம் மீண்டும் நிரூபித்துள்ளது .

இது போன்ற படைப்புக்கள் மூலம்  சமூகத்தில் மாற்றங்கள் ஏற்படும் என்பதும் சிறுவர் உரிமைகள் பாதுகாக்கப்படும் என்பதிலும் மாற்று கருத்திற்கு இடம் இல்லை ...

இது போன்ற படைப்புக்களை மேலும் எதிர்பார்க்கின்றோம் 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wait And Think!!!

A/Level classes for 2015 starts…. Be quick for your admissions!!!

This is one of the latest advertisements we see in newspaper. O/level exam was finished and mostly students are getting into the A/levels.  As an unwritten law students select the same subjects that are followed by their elders. But they have the opportunity to select the subjects from different streams, for an example a commerce stream person can choose Mathematics as a subject in his/her A/level subject. Normally Arts stream people have more choices rather than the other streams. But still nowadays people are not ready to go beyond the traditional subjects. Always around within a small circle. Tamil, Hindu culture, logic, economics, fine arts, geography and etc.. I’m not criticizing for their selections but now the Government introduces Media studies and Information Technology as main subjects in A/levels. Think!!! How many of us aware of it? Who are ready to study?

Specially I’m focusing on Jaffna students. Most of the students have some barriers to choose their subjects for their A/level. Just they blindly follow what their elders and neighbors did. Media studies and IT have more opportunities in Job market. There are plenty of media in Srilanka  and they are waiting for the youngsters . Normally the media studies are developing your knowledge related to various field and improve your leadership skills. IT is the dominator in Job market now, as everyone knows. If a person selects IT as a subject definitely he/she will have the powerful opportunity to get into the job market.
Students have more opportunities to do their degree program in these fields and shape up your knowledge well. Media field makes you fit  in the International Market.

Media studies in Jaffna
Only 4/5 schools in Jaffna offer Media studies as a subject in A/level. Therefore students have limited facilities to choose this subject. Actually government should appoint the proper teachers for this subject in schools. But students also want the eagerness to select this subject .At that time students and parents should speak about this matter to the proper officers.

So guys… Hope you started to THINK…

Sunday, June 24, 2012

சகுனி - என் பார்வையில் ...

பரபரப்பான எதிர்பார்ப்புக்கு மத்தியில் ஸ்டுடியோ கிரீன் தயாரிப்பில் ஷங்கர் தயால் இயக்கத்தில் கார்த்தி, சந்தானம், பிரனிதா நடிப்பில் உருவான சகுனி

ஒரு வரி கதை -மசாலா- பொழுதுபோக்கு இது தான் சகுனி.
பெரிதாக சொல்வதற்கு ஒன்றுமில்லை என்றாலும்.. எதுவுமே இல்லை என்றும் கூறிவிட முடியாது. அரசியல் பின்புலத்தை அடிப்படையாக கொண்டு அமைக்கப்பட்ட சாதாரண கதை.
அமைச்சர் சந்திரமோகனின் சாவில் தொடங்கும் கதை பூபதி(பிரகாஷ்ராஜ்) யின் வரவில் சூடு பிடிக்கிறது என்று நினைக்கும் முன்னே கமல்(கார்த்தி) தனது  flashback ஐ அப்பாதுரை -ரஜினி (சந்தானம்) க்கு சொல்வதாக கதை நீள்கிறது. கார்த்தி தனது வீட்டை ரயில்வே subway திட்டத்திலிருந்து மீட்க சென்னை வந்து அரசியல் வாதிகளின் அல்லக்கைகளிட்கே பணத்தை செலவு செய்து வீணானதும், அத்தை ரோஜா வை சந்தித்து அவரின் மகள் ஸ்ரீ தேவி (பிரநிதா) உடன் சந்தோசமாக காலத்தை செலவழிக்க , அத்தையாலும் புறக்கணிக்கபட்டு சந்தானத்தின் ஆட்டோவில் செல்கிறார். தனது வீட்டு பிரச்சினை தொடர்பாக ஏற்கனவே முகம் தெரிந்த பிரகாஷ் ராஜ் இடம் சென்று பேச அவரால் விரட்டியடிக்கப்பட தொடங்குகிறது சகுனி ஆட்டம் .
இட்லி விற்கும் ரமணி ( ராதிகா)வின் வருகை.. ராதிகாவை கார்த்தி commissioner election ல் பிரகாஷ் ராஜின் ஆசை நாயகிக்கு எதிராக நிறுத்தி வெற்றி காண வைக்கிறார். பின்னர் பிரகாஷ் ராஜை எப்படி பழிவாங்கி தனது வீட்டையும் எப்படி மீட்கிறார் என்பதே மிகுதி கதை.
 சந்தானம் கதையின் முக்கிய பாத்திரம். சந்தானத்தின் comedy வழமை போல பஞ்ச் , timing , என்றும் அப்பாதுரை என்ற தனது முழு பெயரை மறைப்பதும், கார்த்தியை பணக்காரன் என்று நம்பி ஏமாறுவதும் என ஒவ்வொரு இடத்திலும் highlight .
கார்த்தி தனது கதாபாத்திரத்தை ஏற்புடைய வகையில் நடித்துள்ளார். கமல் ரஜினி கூட்டு அரங்கை  சிரிப்பால் அதிர வைத்தது.
ஸ்ரீதேவி யாக வரும் பிரநிதா கொஞ்ச நேரம் மட்டும் வந்து திரையில் நின்று மக்களை காப்பாற்றி விட்டார். தமிழ் சினிமா வின் சட்டப்படி ஒரு heroine தேவை என்று வந்திருக்கிறார்.
படத்தின் முற்பாதி திரைக்கதை சரியாக வடிவமைக்கப்படவில்லை, கதை தொய்கின்றது.  ஒரு சின்ன பழையகதை இ
டைவேளை வரை நீள்வது பார்வையாளர்களை முகம் சுழிக்க வைக்கின்றது. இரண்டாம் பாதி கூட சகுனி ஆட்டம் அடுத்து என்ன நடக்கும் என்ற ஆர்வத்தை தூண்டும் வகையில் அமையவில்லை என்றே கூறலாம். ஆனால் நகைச்சுவைக்கு எங்குமே பஞ்சமில்லாமல் திரைக்கதை கமல் ரஜினியுடன் நீள்வது சிறப்பானது.
படத்துக்கு பின்னணி இசை ஏதோ ஓரளவு கைகொடுத்துள்ளது. வெள்ளை பம்பரம் பாடல் மனதில் நிற்கின்றது.
"வந்தாரை வாழ வைக்கும் தமிழ் நாடிது , தமிழ் பேசுறவன் ஏந்துறது திருவோடு "
என்ற கவிஞர் பரமுவின் வரிகள் சிறப்பாக உள்ளது
கிராமத்து காதல் என்ன எப்போதுமே 'கள்ளி செடியில் பேர் எழுதுறது, ஒண்ணா திரியிறது , முள்ளு குத்த வந்தா கையில தாங்கிறது இதுதானே புதுசா நகரத்துக்கு வாங்க என்கிறது '
அரசியல் நடத்தனும் என்றால் தனியா கட்சிக்கு டிவி சேனல் வைத்திருக்கனும் என்று கார்த்தி சொல்வது படத்தில் ஒரு சிறப்பு.

திரைக்கதையின் தொய்வு படத்தையே தொய்ய விட்டு விட்டது 

சகுனி ஆட்டம் சூடு பிடிக்கவில்லை .

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

 Sounds Of Silence

They may not hear you...
but, they can listen you
They may not see you ...
but, they can visualize you
They may not talk to you...
but, they can say a lot
They are Special talented

Education is a basic right to everyone, special talented children are not exception for it. Earlier days education which was sought by all mainly for white color jobs, no one thought for the special talented children, in 1956 with the help of the Srilankan Government ‘Nuffield school ‘ was established in Kaithady – Jaffna.

Communication is an important factor in the rehabilitation and the educational program. This school students are having effective communication by sign language. 

‘earlier days disabled people were brave less,  because of the society, they didn’t know how to treat them and educate them. But now the situation is changed special talented people also shining in many fields specially in educational field.’ Said Mr.Sivarajasingham, Braille teacher.

This school prepares the students from the basic level. Students can get the education up to advanced level. Sight impaired students write their papers in Braille language. They also study the same subjects and syllabus that is studying by the normal students.
‘we are not differing from you,we follow the same system like ordinary school, so don’t show your sympathy on us, treat us equally’ said Mayoora, student at Nuffield school. Said by sign language

This school is functioning systematically. They are teaching the students to face the real world effectively. Every year 2/3 studets are going to the University for their Higher Education specially the Sight impaired students. There are many extra curricular activities to the students such as music, Dance, Sports and hand crafts... sight impaired students are really interested i n Music. They are playing many games like netball, cricket and other field and track games.

‘parents should send their special child to these type of school at the age of six, then only he/she can sit to the O/l at the age of 16. But most of the parents when they  got to  know their child has problem in hearing they go to astrologist and get advice, the astrologist may says to wait till 8, then they  wait till 8, nothing happen and send their children here at the age of 8,10,.. but they should learn from basic’. SaidMs. Manonithy, Office Assistant
This school conduct the special sign classes for the parents as well to the betterment of communication between parents and the children.

 parents who have special talented children are thinking that these special children are ruining their status therefore they are keeping their children with them at home / send their children to the normal school. But both are wrong. Educated people also sometimes behave like that, this is the pathetic situation of this issue.

There are many development programs and fields for the special talented children. There are many soft ware also designed for the sight impaired children. But a country like Srilanka is not developed with these type of high facilities. But still there are many programs for them.

Whatever we said still these special talented children are not treated equally in the society at all and by all.
parents and society should think of their future and send them to the school. everyone should treat them equally. They are not murderers / kidnappers.. they are human like us... 

'The only disability in life is a bad attitude.'
 -- Scott Hamilton 

Saturday, February 18, 2012


The treasure of a nation

“Cherokee, Choctaw, creek, Seminole, Chickasaw” can you understand the meaning of these

They are the Five Civilized Tribes in the world. They highly developed in the ruling system.
In this scientific world everyone is influenced by the technologies and the other developing
factors, but still there are some group of people live with their own life style and enjoying
their life very friendly with the environment. They are the indigenous people. There are many
indigenous people in all over the world.

No one can imagine a group of people with traditional dress, doing handicrafts, taking herbal
medicine in US. But, there are people living with their tradition in Oklahoma and they are
known as “Chickasaw”.

Chickasaw basically lived in Mississippi valley .they were basically farmers, ranchers and
traders. They were war like people. They battled with French and other neighboring tribes.
They won in every battle and become known as ‘Spartans’ (warriors). Before the entrance
of European to US they lived happily in Mississippi and Alabama. But after the presence of
Europeans, in 1838 the Chickasaw tribes forced to relocated to the Indian territory in what
became Oklahoma.

Still most of the Chickasaw people live in Oklahoma. They are one of the muskogean
language family and federally recognized as the Chickasaw nation.

They are living in traditional houses. There are different kind of houses for different kind of

Council houses : for gathering
Summer house: for the summer season and this house has two entrance, because for
cooling breeze to pass through it.
Winter house: for the winter season and designed to retain heat
Corn crib: to store precious reserves above the ground and to safe from the moisture.

Every major issue concerning the nation was hotly debated. They were satisfied that their
natural way of living was the best. They loved the common ownership of their land and
shared common fields. The yield of the fields was stored in public granaries.

They are thinking about the environment and the plantation. These people plant corn, squash
and beans- the traditional three sisters of native tables.

This indigenous people wear their traditional dresses always. Specially women wear their
traditional own made clothes, shell made jewels, wool made waist chain, long and pearl made
ear rings and bamboo made bangles and etc..

They do many hand crafts such as making dolls,pottery,weave river cane basket and
etc...river cane basket is special here because they are making this to use to protect tools from
rain. This art of cane basketry has existed for 6000 years. They are following herbal medicine
system and traditional food system.

Actually Chickasaw is a nation. They are following their own legislation and law. They have
a separated citizenship. Earlier Chickasaw and Choctaw were together but later Chickasaw
separated and keep their own government.

They do everything with their own tradition. But, unfortunately nowadays their youngsters
are influenced with the western culture and they are changing themselves. So, they started a
cultural centre called as ‘chickasaw cultural center’ and share their stories, traditions, crafts ,
artistry and perhaps most precious their native language. Not only the younger generation of
Chickasaw but others also get to know about them here.

Chickasaw people are cultural treasures. They give priority to the indigenousness. The life
of indigenous people is dying in all over the world. Youngsters also losing their tradition
step by step. Everyone have the responsibility to save this great tradition for the upcoming


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tear of Women

In each country the participation of women in development is in a good position. In Srilanka, we are getting more income from three ways such as working home maids in Middle East countries, Tea exporting, Garment. In all these three fields 90% of contribution issue by the women. In these fields they are giving their hardworking to the country and they get nothing. There is no word to express their worries.
Srilanka started its tea production before 160 years. From that beginning day the estate sisters works as a machine and give their full energy to the better out put. Government and the tea estate companies give priority to the tea not to the working people in the estate, specially to  the tea plucking women.

They are working from the whole year from morning to evening but they are getting very poor salary. That money is not enough to fulfil at least their basic needs. They don’t care about their health and medical needs. Now the price of srilankan tea is increasing in the international market, but there is no change in the wage of the working women in estates. In this year budget, the government allocated billions of money for the development of tea estate but, there is no allocation for the people who are working in the estate.

The problem of home maids women in Middle East countries is a horrible issue nowadays. Because of poverty those women go to abroad as home maids. But they are facing many challenges than poverty. Whether they get money or/ not definitely they get blame, punishment, pain and bad name. They bring pains and nails to the country. They harmed specially by the male society in the Middle East countries. They don’t get the proper salary for their works. Sexual abuses are the very big problem to these women. We know the case of Rizana and how the Arabic government treated her. Not only this case day by day there are many wrong cases put on the women. Srilankan government has the responsibility to give the assurance to those women. 

In the GDP %, the income from the exportation of garments is 75%. Government receives billions of money from this international business. But the condition of working women in garment factories is not increased yet. When we compare to the male society female get low income when both are in the same position. They are working whole day and earn few. So they unable to lift up their living status. 

Srilanka gets main income from these three fields. We get the main contribution from the women society. Everyone is ready to taste the facilities and income but no one is ready to think about the behind the screen people. Those women are the back bone of our economy. Government, owners and other companies should think about these sisters and give a proper and stable solution for them immediately.

                                                                                                           open to discuss